获得学位比以往任何时候都更容易负担. Our competency-based programs offer quality education at an affordable price. These rates include online versions of required course materials.
居留权 | 每学期学费 |
州内(德克萨斯州居民) | $1,000 |
县接壤. 这包括:俄克拉荷马州,路易斯安那州,新墨西哥州,阿肯色州 | $1,000 |
Neighboring state (aka interior county: Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico and Arkansas) | 州内+ 30美元/小时 |
在州外.g.佛罗里达州) | $2,000 |
现役执法+消防员学费豁免 | $300 |
员工奖学金 | $500 |
居留权 | 每学期学费 |
州内(德克萨斯州居民) | $1,000 |
县接壤. 这包括:俄克拉荷马州,路易斯安那州,新墨西哥州,阿肯色州 | $1,000 |
Neighboring state (aka interior county: Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico and Arkansas) | 州内+ 30美元/小时 |
在州外.g.佛罗里达州) | $2,000 |
现役执法+消防员学费豁免 | $300 |
员工奖学金 | $500 |
居留权 | 每学期学费 |
州内(德克萨斯州居民) | $750 |
县接壤. 这包括:俄克拉荷马州,路易斯安那州,新墨西哥州,阿肯色州 | $750 |
Neighboring state (aka interior county: Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico and Arkansas) | 州内+ 30美元/小时 |
在州外.g.佛罗里达州) | $1,500 |
现役执法+消防员学费豁免 | $300 |
员工奖学金 | $300 |
居留权 | 每学期学费 |
州内(德克萨斯州居民) | $750 |
县接壤. 这包括:俄克拉荷马州,路易斯安那州,新墨西哥州,阿肯色州 | $750 |
Neighboring state (aka interior county: Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico and Arkansas) | 州内+ 30美元/小时 |
在州外.g.佛罗里达州) | $1,500 |
现役执法+消防员学费豁免 | $300 |
员工奖学金 | $300 |
居留权 | 每学期学费 |
州内(德克萨斯州居民) | $750 |
县接壤. 这包括:俄克拉荷马州,路易斯安那州,新墨西哥州,阿肯色州 | $750 |
Neighboring state (aka interior county: Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico and Arkansas) | 州内+ 30美元/小时 |
在州外.g.佛罗里达州) | $1,500 |
现役执法+消防员学费豁免 | $300 |
员工奖学金 | $300 |
居留权 | 每学期学费 |
州内(德克萨斯州居民) | $750 |
县接壤. 这包括:俄克拉荷马州,路易斯安那州,新墨西哥州,阿肯色州 | $750 |
Neighboring state (aka interior county: Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico and Arkansas) | 州内+ 30美元/小时 |
在州外.g.佛罗里达州) | $1,500 |
现役执法+消防员学费豁免 | $300 |
员工奖学金 | $300 |
Freshmen: 成本 of Attendance :: 实习指南 本科 copied
Your residency status is based on the information you submitted on your application.
It is the student’s responsibility to accurately answer all questions on the application. New students who believe their residency status is incorrect must contact the Office of 本科 招生 at 903.886.5922或电邮 (电子邮件保护).
Current undergraduate students who believe their residency status has changed must report this change to the undergraduate admissions office by completing the Core Residency Questionnaire. Additional documentation may be required to establish Texas residency. The burden of proof is on the student to show they’ve established domicile in Texas for 12 months preceding the student’s enrollment.
An individual who has resided in Texas for the 36 consecutive months leading up to his or her graduation from a Texas high school or receipt of a GED, and continued to maintain a residence in Texas for the 12 months leading up to his or her enrollment in an institution of higher education, 在学费方面可以被归类为居民吗, 无论依赖或移民身份如何. Any individual wishing to qualify under this provision who is 不 a U.S. 美国公民或永久居民 必须填写并提交一份 成为永久居民意向誓章 to the Office of 本科 招生 in addition to their application for admissions.
Independent students are those who provide more than half of their own financial support and are 不 eligible to be claimed as a dependent for income tax purposes. 为了符合住院医师的学费要求, an independent student must reside AND maintain a domicile in Texas for the twelve months preceding the student’s enrollment.
以下因素, if maintained for twelve consecutive months while residing in Texas, 可以支持在德克萨斯州定居的主张;
- Gainful employment that is sufficient to provide at least one-half of the individual’s expenses or that represents an average of at least twenty hours of employment per week. 就业以学生身份为条件, 比如工作学习, 津贴的收据, 奖学金、研究奖学金或助教奖学金, 不构成有酬就业.
- 在德克萨斯州拥有住宅不动产.
- Ownership and customary management of a business in Texas which is regularly operated without the intention of liquidation for the foreseeable future.
- Marriage to a person who has resided and maintained domicile (items 1-3 above) in Texas.
The residency for tuition purposes of a student who is 不 independent is based upon that of the parent or court-appointed legal guardian who claims that student as a dependent for federal income tax purposes (or provides more than half that student’s financial support for those 不 subject to U.S. federal income taxes), regardless of the length of time the student has resided in Texas. If the parent or court-appointed legal guardian of a dependent student meets the criteria of having established residency for tuition purposes, 受抚养学生有资格支付居民学费. 家长。s and legal guardians qualify for residency following the same criteria as independent students.
下列国际学生: 有资格设立住所 in Texas may also qualify as Texas residents for tuition purposes. 学生 must submit documentation for themselves and their parent if they are a dependent. 学生 with special circumstances related to their claim of residency may submit additional documentation for consideration. 持有F-1签证的学生不符合资格.
A student classified as a non-resident at the time of admission retains that classification until he or she requests reclassification and provides proof of residence to the Office of 本科 招生. The student must complete a Core Residency Questionnaire form and provide documentation to support the claim to reclassification as mentioned in the 独立的学生 section above.
学生 who wish to apply for eligibility to pay resident tuition must do so by the 12th class day of the fall or spring semester or the fourth class day of the summer semester in which they wish to pay resident tuition. Any applications received by the Office of 本科 招生 after this time will be considered for the next term.
A member of the United States Armed 服务 who claims Texas as the 首页。 of Record with the military is presumed to be a Texas resident, 以及他或她的配偶和受抚养的子女. 其首页。 of Record是 不 Texas but who provides the institution Leave and Earnings Statements that show the member has claimed Texas as his or her place of residence for the 12 consecutive months prior to enrollment is presumed to be a Texas resident, 以及他或她的配偶和受抚养的子女.
军事 spouses and dependents who do 不 meet any of the above criteria for establishing residency for tuition purposes may still be eligible to pay the resident tuition rate. 请联络退伍军人 & 军事服务办公室,903.886.5123 or (电子邮件保护) 寻求帮助.